STM gets a makeover with new artistic leadership of the choreography department

A special and rewarding year, 2020, for STM. In January, the School reached 30,000 spectators with its new prose production of “Dead Poet Society”, and in February it garnered acclaim from the successes of graduates and numerous visitors to the historic “Danza In Fiera” event in Florence. With March continued the training activities of the Professional Courses with distance education, and in July, the Scuola del Teatro Musicalewas recognized as an AFAM institution of the Ministry of University and Research by Ministerial Decree no. 421 of July 31, 2020.

STM is thus the first Drama Academy dealing with Musical Theater to be legally recognized in the country.

Alongside these productive and educational projects aimed at the national territory, the artistic and organizational directions of STM have always considered activities dedicated to our territory to be of fundamental importance, thinking of major projects for the Open Courses in Dance, Musical and Acting.

After these important national achievements in drama and musical theater, the STM proposes a quantum leap to the educational offerings of its choreographic sector, which has already given our city, families and students great opportunities and recognition in 7 years.

As of this year, the Maestro Giuseppe Carbone (former Director of the Corps de Ballet of La Scala in Milan and the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, Principal Dancer, Choreographer and Director of Ballet at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice and the Teatro Regio in Turin), assisted by Beatrice Carbone (Soloist and Prima Ballerina of the corps de ballet at La Scala Theater and soloist of the corps de ballet at Ballet du Capitole de Toulouse), will lead the STM’s choreographic sector, contributing to strengthening the educational and artistic project of the main Performing Arts Center Italian.

Alessandro Canelli, Mayor of Novara: “The results achieved, in these years of assiduous work, by Scuola del Teatro Musicale confirm the success of a winning formula: young people promoting education, culture and art for young people themselves. In its seven years of activity, STM has become a point of reference for boys and girls who dream of stepping onto a qualified stage after embarking on and completing an educational path that requires effort and sacrifice. It is a great satisfaction for our city to be able to benefit from the work of this school, which is legally recognized by Miur on the national territory as the first Academy of Dramatic Art dealing with Musical Theater to be legally recognized on the national territory.”

STM Artistic Director Marco Iacomelli states: “Our School of Dance has always ensured high quality standards, and some of our students have been admitted to prestigious schools such as the Accademia del Teatro alla Scala in Milan, the Royal Ballet School in London and the Peridance Center in New York. However, we wanted to do more in this field as well, to make the School of Dance reach a level of excellence that would be a real asset to the city and especially to our Theater. Unfortunately, very few theaters now have their own orchestra and corps de ballet-these are extraordinary resources for those that do production, especially for opera houses or traditional theaters like ours. The new STM Ballet School will become a resource for Novara and its theater’s productions, for the dissemination of dance culture and bringing young people closer to the choreographic arts.”

Corinne Baroni, Director of Teatro Coccia: “The collaboration with the Scuola del Teatro Musicale is certainly a landmark and an added value for Teatro Coccia. Each season, in different productions, excellent students, trained or in progress at STM, are part of our casts, as extras, dancers, mimes, but also as backstage collaborators. Therefore, I can only be delighted to see this new course born within the premises of the Piccolo Coccia. I especially believe in training young (but not only) professionals. It has been a goal of mine for as long as I can remember. The evolution of the Teatro Coccia’s AMO Academy is the first demonstration of this. Dance, musicals, and acting in all its facets taught at the STM, combined with AMO’s opera-related disciplines, I believe can for all intents and purposes make the Teatro Coccia/STM cultural hub a unique center for higher education. And I sincerely thank Marco Iacomelli and Davide Ienco for the enthusiasm, passion and great professionalism they put into each new challenge. I couldn’t wish for better ‘neighbors’.”